1. Dreamwork Technology (Tech), A sister concern of DREAMWORK LIMITED, working on a variety of issues impacting the development (dev) of tech entrepreneurship, infrastructure and education. Dreamwork Tech Ldrship Team, Board of Dirs and members are professionals active throughout. Dreamwork Tech Progs are designed to highlight tech accomplishments and to provide resources and inspiration for those seeking to advance (adv) own tech projects.
1. Dreamwork Technology (Tech), A sister concern of DREAMWORK LIMITED, working on a variety of issues impacting the development (dev) of tech entrepreneurship, infrastructure and education. Dreamwork Tech Ldrship Team, Board of Dirs and members are professionals active throughout. Dreamwork Tech Progs are designed to highlight tech accomplishments and to provide resources and inspiration for those seeking to advance (adv) own tech projects.
What We Do
2. Dreamtech advise appliance researchers and manufacturers how to economically incorporate tech enhancements and connectivity tech into household and other appliances providing full turnkey solutions and effective integrated solutions that allow you freedom in design.
Tech Advances (Adv)
3. Since the industrial revolution, tech has changed society continually. Largely due to innovations in semiconductor electronics, software and computer tech, the pace of tech dev has continued to accelerate over the past 50 years. Personal comp now fit into your pocket. You have access to people and info all over the world through the Internet. Anything up to the size of a small bldg can be printed. Just about everything - from your house to your car - is becoming intelligent.
4. Yet today, technology (tech) impacts just about every aspect of our lives. Tech is also a key driver in economic growth and the generation of wealth. Tech companies are driving advances in global stock markets, and the tech they develop is powering the markets and the investors in those markets. So, despite some of the negative ramifications of tech, the world generally benefits from continued advances.
5. Adv in AI are rapidly accelerating adv in other tech by enabling the ability to build models and simulations larger and faster than humans are capable of processing. As a result, tech is moving so fast that it is imposs to see all the potential consequences, much yet the applications (app) in advance. This may be one reason that the entertainment industry often depicts the future so -vely and so often as the result of tech. It reflects our collective fear of those unintended consequences.Yet every leap forward in tech is accompanied by concerns over its potential use or misuse. Most recently, concerns have ranged from the use of artificial intelligence AI) to create smart wpns and unstoppable hacking bots to 3D printed guns that are undetectable by traditional sy scanners.
Tech Control
6. While many believe that there should be some curbs or control over certain tech, the reality is that regulators often are ignorant about tech and bureaucracies cannot react fast enough to have any significant impact on its progress. Given the impacts of technology on the economy and society, it's not clear that regulators should be interfering with the pace of tech innovation. Innovation comes from everything from garage tinkerers to multibillion-dollar org. Where would we be if regulators tried to control the founders of Apple and Microsoft, or current tech leaders like Amazon and Google?
Trust In Tech
7. The rate of tech innovation is increasing and concerns over the use of tech often lag the innovation. As a result, many people put an inherent trust in the tech. Society wants to believe that tech will be used for the common good. However, tech can and will continue to be used for any and all possible applications. The trust really should be in the belief that people and society will use tech in a positive manner not for malicious purposes. Further, people should not fear the pace of tech but accept that the future still holds enormous possibilities. Unfortunately, much like the news itself, by the time people grow concerned about the poss -ve applications or misuse of the tech, that misuse already is possible.
8. Trust 'Dreamwork Tech' with upgrading your next generation of modern and latest tech. Find experiences and numerous applications in the websites.
Thx and Regards
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Md. Lutful Huda
Dreamwork Technology
Prepared by Major (R) Md. Lutful Huda, presently Chairman of TIDAC and Dreamwork Limited, Editor In Chief of 'Crime and Justice' Journal
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