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Amplify Call for Killer Robot Ban - DREAMWORK TECHNOLOGY

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Amplify Call for Killer Robot Ban

Amplify Call for Killer Robot Ban



1. Leaders from Human Rights Watch and Harvard Law School's International Human Rights Clinic issued a dire warning that nations around the world haven't been doing enough to ban the development of autonomous weapons so-called "killer robots." The groups issued a joint report that calls for a complete ban on these systems before such weapons begin to make their way to military arsenals and it becomes too late to act. Other groups, including Amnesty International, joined in those urgent calls for a treaty to ban such weapons systems, in advance of this week's meeting of the United Nations' CCW Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons (wpns) Sys in Geneva. Killer robots are no longer the stuff of science fiction. From artificially intelligent drones to automated guns that can choose their own targets, technological advances in weaponry are far outpacing international law.

Pub Opinion

2. Public opinion is mixed based on a Brookings Institution. Thirty percent of adult supported the development of artificial intelligence technologies for use in warfare, it found, with 39 percent opposed and 32 percent unsure.

The Latest Weapons of Mass Destruction

3. The science of killing has been taken to a new tech level and many are concerned about loss of human control. Autonomous weapons have a similar potential to reduce the no of soldiers in harm's way but new devices could increase the killing potential of a handful of soldiers. Modern military arsenals already can take out vast nos of people.

Less Massive Destruction

4. There have been other tech wpns adv, from the poison gas that was used in the trenches of World War I a century ago to the atomic bomb that was developed during the Second World War. Each in turn became an issue for debate. The potential horrors that autonomous wpns could unleash now are receiving the same level of concern and attention. Autonomous wpns are the biggest threat since nuclear weapons, and perhaps even bigger. Because they do not require indl human supervision, autonomous wpns are potentially scalable weapons of mass destruction. Essentially unlimited nos can be launched by a small number of people.

Force Multiplier

5. As with poison gas or tech adv wpns, autonomous wpns can be a force multiplier. In the case of autonomous wpns, one million potentially lethal units could be carried in a single container truck or cargo aircraft. Yet these weapons systems might require only two or three human operators rather than two or three million. For this reason the cries to ban them before they are even developed have been increasing in volume, especially as development of the core technologies -- AI and machine learning -- for civilian purposes advances. They easily could be militarized to create weapons.

Too Little, Too Late

6. It's uncertain whether the development of autonomous wpns even with UN support could be stopped. It's questionable whether it should be stopped entirely. As in the case of the atomic bomb, or the machine gun, or poison gas before it, if even one nation possesses the tech, then other nations will want to be sure they have the ability to respond in kind. The autonomous arms race therefore could be inevitable. Thus the development of autonomous wpns may not be stopped entirely but their actual use could be mitigated.


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Md. Lutful Huda 


Dreamwork Technology


Prepared by Major (R) Md. Lutful Huda, presently Chairman of TIDAC and Dreamwork Limited, Editor In Chief of 'Crime and Justice' Journal

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